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As a little girl, I would often take a bowl and start pouring this, that, and everything into it. These concoctions were often times horrible and other times surprisingly good. My brother, Joel, termed these "The Beezo Bowl" and they have earned a place in the family history books. Years have gone by and I have continued with my odd creations. Friends have rallied in support of my idea for a food blog where I can share my culinary escapades, from Sugar Free Sugar Cookies to Shepherd's Pie. So, without further adieu, I proudly introduce: The Beezo Bowl - Home of "Food or Flop"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bad ideas made better


As promised, I had to make a new batch of baked onion rings, using a new recipe (slightly altered). 

1 Vidalia Onion

2 T flour
Pinch: Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder, Paprika

1/4 cup egg beaters

1 1/2 high fiber hamburger buns (ok, so, that is what I used!  I am guessing it is about 3/4 cup of bread crumbs. Use whatever you have!  To make bread crumbs, toast on 275 for a good 15 minutes, check to see if it is dry. If so, crumble. If not, toast a little longer)
1 t Italian seasoning
1/4 t salt
3/4 t garlic powder
3/4 t onion powder

Preheat oven to 375.  Slice ends off onion, peel, then slice into rings.  Toss onions in flour, salt, pepper, chili powder, and paprika (a zip lock works well for this).  Put egg beaters in one bowl.  Put bread crumbs, Italian seasoning, salt, garlic powder and onion powder into another bowl and mix (I poured the extra flour from the bag that didn't stick to the onions in, too).  Dip eat ring into egg, then bread crumb mixture, and place on a baking spray coated pan.  Bake 12 minutes, flip, then bake another 12 minutes (I flipped mine again and baked another 6 minutes).

*** These were MUCH better than yesterdays recipe.  I wasn't a big fan of the Italian seasoning, though.  I am thinking that tomorrow, I will change it up and make it more spicy.  (I have to get it right tomorrow... I only have one more onion!!!)  I ate some of them with horseradish dip from yesterday.  Others I ate with BBQ sauce.  I really like the BBQ sauce! ***


Since my strawberry rhubarb filling from yesterday was too oozy for making pockets, I had to find something to do with it.  I found the perfect way to consume it (and thus finished off every drop).  Imagine this... A bowl with angel food cake, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, strawberry rhubarb goo, and whipped topping.  Yes, I went there!

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