About Me

My photo
As a little girl, I would often take a bowl and start pouring this, that, and everything into it. These concoctions were often times horrible and other times surprisingly good. My brother, Joel, termed these "The Beezo Bowl" and they have earned a place in the family history books. Years have gone by and I have continued with my odd creations. Friends have rallied in support of my idea for a food blog where I can share my culinary escapades, from Sugar Free Sugar Cookies to Shepherd's Pie. So, without further adieu, I proudly introduce: The Beezo Bowl - Home of "Food or Flop"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Cupcakes!

I love Despicable Me.  The minions are so adorable. So, since there was a Birthday party for a certain 2 year old who loves the movie, I made her minion cupcakes that are circulating Pinterest.

blue cupcake liners if you can find them
yellow frosting
blue frosting
black frosting
candy eyes (or smarties with black dots on them)
half of a twinky for each cupcake

Then, assemble:

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