About Me

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As a little girl, I would often take a bowl and start pouring this, that, and everything into it. These concoctions were often times horrible and other times surprisingly good. My brother, Joel, termed these "The Beezo Bowl" and they have earned a place in the family history books. Years have gone by and I have continued with my odd creations. Friends have rallied in support of my idea for a food blog where I can share my culinary escapades, from Sugar Free Sugar Cookies to Shepherd's Pie. So, without further adieu, I proudly introduce: The Beezo Bowl - Home of "Food or Flop"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

BBQ Steak Sandwich!

Hello all.  With the beauty of spring surrounding us, I have started cooking up again.  That, and it is spring break, so I have excess time on my hands!

For lunch today, I made myself a steak sandwich. Eye of round steak was on sale at Meijer this week. That was my poison!

I started with 1 TBS flour, a little salt, and a little black pepper.  After my steak came to room temperature, I dredged it in the flour mixture. (I read online that letting your steak come to room temperature before cooking helps it to be more juicy).
Steak, sitting in a lovely bath of flour, salt, and pepper

Then, I fried it in a little pam on a skillet. (It got a bit smokey, and YES, my fire alarm went off! Oops).   A minute or two on either side was all that it took to cook the steak, as it was a very thin slice.  I dropped some frozen, pre-sliced onions into my flour mixture and tossed them around, then got rid of the extra flour. Once my steak was happily resting on my plate to be eaten later, I threw the onions (about 1/4 cup) and 1 TBS bacon crumbles in the skillet to brown up.  I topped the steak with a slice of reduced fat muenster cheese, plopped the onions and bacon on top, poured on a little bit of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce and put it all inside a toasted English Muffin that had a bit of mayo on it.  I served it with asparagus (pop off the ends and steam for 7 minutes), carrot sticks, and Special K cracker chips - sour cream and onion flavored.  Yum!

Such a happy plate!

Look at all those onions, bacon, and BBQ sauce sitting happily on top of my steak and cheese sandwich! YUM!
Yes, this was officially FOOD!

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