About Me

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As a little girl, I would often take a bowl and start pouring this, that, and everything into it. These concoctions were often times horrible and other times surprisingly good. My brother, Joel, termed these "The Beezo Bowl" and they have earned a place in the family history books. Years have gone by and I have continued with my odd creations. Friends have rallied in support of my idea for a food blog where I can share my culinary escapades, from Sugar Free Sugar Cookies to Shepherd's Pie. So, without further adieu, I proudly introduce: The Beezo Bowl - Home of "Food or Flop"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fun with nacho cheese

I wanted to find a good substitute for mac n' cheese. Unfortunately, I wasn't having any luck. I tried GFS's cheese sauce mix. It wasn't great.  I found a cheese sauce with is pretty tasty, though.  Southeaster Mills Cheddar Cheese sauce. It is in one of those smaller packets. Try and find it!

Also, I found out I am a big fan of bulk taco seasoning from Sam's Club. They called for 1/4 cup of seasoning for 1 lb of beef, but I used 3 T and was overly satisfied with the taste/flavor.

Mac N' Cheese:

1/2 cup of high fiber macaroni
1.5 T cheese powder
1/2 cup water
5 mini turkey weenies
Kraft cheese powder for sprinkling on top (near the Parmesan cheese in the fridge section)

Boil macaroni according to directions. Drain macaroni. Mix cheese powder and cold water together, heat until boiling and thick. Add macaroni and sliced weenies. Pour on plate and sprinkle with Kraft cheese powder for that lovely orange mac n' cheese color!

I cook my asparagus for 7 minutes in a shallow pan of water after snapping the ends off. 


 Nacho Potato:

1 medium baked potato (Poke a few holes in it, microwave for 3 to 4 minutes)
1/4 lb taco meat (I use 95% lean)
1 Tbs cheese powder mixed with 1/3 cup cold water. Mix together, then boil til thick.
Sour cream

Layer and devour!  This is so good.  Who needs chips when you have a delicious potato.


  1. Your Nacho Potato looks divine. Your recipe is so simple and quick (and uses cheese, my guiltiest pleasure!). If you’re looking for more ways to use your taco seasoning, you might try these burgers from our Simply Delicious Meals site: Santa Fe Burgers, http://bit.ly/rMUDrV. Let us know if you try them and thanks for shopping at Sam’s Club! – Carrie from Sam’s Club

  2. Thanks Carrie! If you guys come out with a powdered cheddar cheese sauce, I want to be the first one to know!!!
